Mind that keeps challenging indefinitely
The idea of NEO JAPANIMATION is "Challenge. "
The creator who makes not only WEBCOMIC but also the thing should keep always purveying dreams to the user.
It is that the creator also sees the dream that it is important.
When the direction is mistaken, the road where it lives is lost though it is important with progress and the ambition of the technology keep.
It should be a technology to send our best contents and commodity to the customer, and be an ambition.
The advancement of the technology of the Jananese anime is remarkable and the negligence is left in the age.
It is thought the thing for which the individual's consideration, creativity, and trust in the companion are necessary never to compromise, and to offer a complete work.
The link to this site goes freely and is excellent.
Linked Websites address
[ http://neojapanimation.com/ ]
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